Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Trestles Matters: A Thanksgiving Tale

Rad story from Serge Dedina of Wildcoast

Why Trestles Matters

Yesterday after about over 200MGD of sewage polluted water flowed out of the TJ River, my sons, Israel 15 and Daniel 13, and their friend Jake 15, boarded a bus in Imperial Beach with their boards, backbacks, and bicycles.

Five hours later they departed the bus at the Carls Jr. in San Clemente for a two-day surf safari at Trestles and campout at San Mateo Campground.

This is the text I received last night:

“All is well..roasting wieners by a roaring fire and sipping hot choco and got perfect three to four foot trestles with four people.”

If there is any reason to stop the Toll Road, it is so generations of kids can have the best adventures of their lives at Trestles/San Mateo/and San Onofre and experience California as it is supposed to be.

So thanks to all of your for “Saving Trestles” and your ongoing commitment to making sure a toll road doesn’t plow through one of the last best places on the planet.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Serge Dedina, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Here's the IB Groms enjoying the clean water and waves at Trestles.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's Remember Why the Toll Road Would Be So Bad For the Coast

I thought this might be a good opportunity to go back and remind ourselves of all the reasons that the 241 Toll Road is bad for the coast and bad for California. Listen to former Coastal Commission Director Peter Douglas eloquently describe all of the damage that would be caused by building their unneeded and unwanted highway.

Mr. Douglas says very clearly: "This toll road project is precisely the kind of project the Coastal Act was intended to prevent."

Listen below to his introduction from the Coastal Commission meeting in Del Mar that so many of you attended. Thanks again for all the support!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Toll Road Nirvana? Not Possible...

From Save Trestles Guru... Jerry Collamer