Tuesday, March 24, 2020
At the TCA’s March 12 board meeting, they voted to narrow the scope of their planning process for south Orange County to a single alternative. The Save San Onofre Coalition (SSOC) is pleased to see the developments unfold at this meeting. After public comment consisting of over 50 speakers, the TCA selected Alternative #22 un-tolled as its only project to move forward for analysis in Southern Orange County.
Alternative #22 would be an extension of the already existing Los Patrones Parkway from its current terminus at Cow Camp Rd to a new terminus at La Pata. OCTA would take the lead on construction of this extension which would remain a county arterial on which tolls would not be charged.
This decision came after many months of tension with residents, organizations, and governmental agencies. This move by the TCA marked an end to all of the alignments that had stirred local controversy.
Throughout this process, the SSOC has steadfastly and successfully defended in court its hard-won agreements protecting San Onofre State Beach from roadway development. Hopefully, TCA’s pursuit of Alternative #22 will persuade those challenging those protections to finally drop their lawsuits.
Thanks for your continued support to keep San Onofre State Beach free from any roadway construction. These protections would have been impossible without the support of conscientious and concerned citizens. And with your continued vigilance and support, the SSOC will continue to protect this park for future generations to come!