Monday, February 26, 2007

The Toll Road will be Good for the Park??

At least according to local Assemblywoman Mimi Walters. Here's her quote from a recent news story: "Gina Zari, spokeswoman for Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, R-Laguna Niguel, said the representative for coastal areas of southern Orange County and northern San Diego County backs the toll road and believes it actually will help the park, by providing money for improvements."

In reality construction of the 241 Toll Road Extension will destroy hundreds of acres of the park and close the scenic San Mateo Campground.

I suggest you write her an email and let her know how much you think the San Onofre State Beach and Trestles will benefit from a 6 lane toll highway. Here's her online comment Form


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Telkom University said...


Hemingway Publishers said...
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Hemingway Publishers said...
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Hemingway Publishers said...

This blog article raises serious concerns regarding the impact of the 241 Toll Road Extension on San Onofre State Beach. While Assemblywoman Mimi Walters claims it will support park upgrades, the destruction of acres of parks and the closing of the San Mateo Campground are concerning. It is critical that you communicate with her using the supplied comment box. If you are an author and you have a book and you are in search of best book marketing services then Hemingway Publishers is the right choice for you. Hemingway Publishers is the best book marketing company. They will market your book professionally on different platforms.

Top Book Writing Strategies said...

This blog post focuses on the false benefits of the 241 Toll Road Extension. Despite assertions by Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, the project will destroy hundreds of park acres and close San Mateo Campground. It's critical to express our concerns. I appreciate the suggestion to send her an email expressing our opposition. If you have an Amazon store and you want to do SEO of your Amazon store then Amazonetic is the right choice for you. Amazonetic is the leading amazon va agency in the USA. They provides the best Amazon SEO Optimization service. They have a team of professional SEO experts and they will help you in ranking your Amazon store on top pages of Google.

Top Book Writing Strategies said...

It's sad to see support for the 241 Toll Road Extension, which would destroy San Onofre State Beach and close the picturesque San Mateo Campground. Assemblywoman Mimi Walters should examine the long-term environmental consequences. Let us express our concerns and conserve our precious natural spaces. Email her and express your opposition!. If you have an Amazon store and you want amazon advertising services then Amazonetic is the right choice for you. Amazonetic is the leading Amazon Virtual Assistant agency in the USA. They have a team of professional Amazon PPC experts and they will help you in running professional Amazon PPC campaign for your Amazon store.

Expert Amazon Guide said...

It is distressing to hear support for the 241 Toll Road Extension, which will affect San Onofre State Beach and close the San Mateo Campground. Assemblywoman Mimi Walters should assess the project's environmental impact. Let us express our disapproval and conserve these valuable natural regions.If you have an Amazon store and you want amazon virtual assistant service then VAamazon is the right choice for you. VAamazon is the leading amazon marketing agency and they will give you professional Amazon virtual assistant service. They have a team of expert Amazon virtual assistants and they will help you in managing your Amazon store.

American Publisher House said...

The new toll road promises significant benefits for the park, according to American Publisher . By alleviating traffic congestion, the road will enhance visitors' experience, making the park more accessible and enjoyable. Ghostwriter services have highlighted the park's potential improvements in ebooks, promoting awareness and support. Ebook writing services are instrumental in detailing these positive impacts, ensuring the park's story reaches a wider audience. Furthermore, book marketing services are crucial in advocating for the toll road, showcasing its benefits to park-goers and the environment alike. Together, these efforts underscore the toll road's potential to transform the park for the better.

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