Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wonderful photos of our land..
That's right, OUR land. It belongs to everyone. San Onofre State Park and Donna O'Neill Land Conservancy were created to protect the land and resources FOREVER! Will our grandchildren thank us for paving over all this in a fruitless pursuit of drive-time savings? Somehow I doubt it.
San Clemente photographer Pamela Marches recently shot this beautiful series of photos in the inland section of San Onofre and Donna O'Neill, the exact area the TCA wants to build their concrete monstrosity. Not exactly "a bunch of dirt and weeds" as our Assemblymember Mimi Walters calls it.
San Clemente photographer Pamela Marches recently shot this beautiful series of photos in the inland section of San Onofre and Donna O'Neill, the exact area the TCA wants to build their concrete monstrosity. Not exactly "a bunch of dirt and weeds" as our Assemblymember Mimi Walters calls it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank You! Trestles Hearing Successful!
Thank you!
We did it AGAIN--we made a huge impression on decision makers! Close to 3,000 people attended the hearing yesterday (we distributed over 2,700 tee shirts and food tickets--AND we didn't even catch everyone as you walked into the hearing). As you know, we are back in "the waiting game".
The Secretary of Commerce will make his decision between Oct 24, 2008 and January 7 2009.
Which is great!!
It gives us more time to make sure all of our family and friends write the Federal Government and demand they uphold the Coastal Commission decision to protect San Onofre State Beach. We have until Oct 2 to submit comments. We've made it easy for you: click here If you have already completed the action alert, our system will catch it. Even if you have written the Federal Government, please pass this link around to at least 20 friends today.
At this point, waiting is our forte! We have been fighting this toll road for over 10 years... and remember when we had to wait for a public hearing to be rescheduled? Patience always pays off! We will be uploading all the great pictures that were taken yesterday, so stay tuned...
Thanks for your enduring support. It's all possible because of YOU!
Your Pals at Surfrider,
Press conference--Elected officials: Bobby Shriver, Bill Lockyer, Christine Kehoe, Donna Frye.

Friday, September 19, 2008
Final Agenda and Speaker List Published
Below are the basics of the hearing and what you can expect from the day.
WHAT: A public hearing regarding the toll road through San Onofre State Beach. Throngs of toll road opponents gathering to ensure the Federal Government upholds the decision made by the California Coastal Commission--no toll roads through state parks!
WHEN: Monday September 22, 2008. The hearing is from 10:30am-8:30pm. Of course, we would like everyone to attend all day (take a sick day, like the rest of us: ) or come for at least a few hours.
WHERE: O'Brien Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Del Mar, CA 92014. Just off the I-5 in Del Mar at Via de la Valle exit.Do you have friends who are out of state and can't come? They can stay updated throughout the day. http://twitter.com/savetrestles
Agenda for Hearing:
Surfrider, and our partners, will be providing supporters with tee shirts and other goodies (first come, first served). We will have food coupons to distribute to those who sign in at the welcome booth. Since we are a nonprofit, it's hard to feed everyone huge meals, but we do want to make sure that our supporters are taken care of and have sustained energy to be at the hearing all day. Upon arriving, please check in at the welcome booth to receive your tee shirts and food coupons. Please note the following agenda is a rough estimate.
• 10:30am-1:30pm: Testimony from Elected Officials. There are several outstanding elected officials speaking on our behalf including Bobby Shriver, Donna Frye, Bill Lockyer and others.
• 1:30pm-2pm: Testimony from Organizations. Surfrider Foundation and other interesting organizations will be heard during the next few hours.
• 2:00-2:30: Official Hearing Break. We are having a rally in the pavilion area behind O'Brien hallcome and learn more about how the day will go and what to expect.
• 2:30-5:00: Continued Testimony from Organizations and Native American Tribes.
• 5:00-5:30: Official Hearing Break. Please be sure to visit our letter writing station during the break. We want to fill the drop boxes with letters opposing the toll road.
• 5:30-8:30: During this time, organizations will finish speaking and the general public will begin testimony. It's challenging to say exactly what time the general public will speak. As you know, not everyone from the public will be able to speak since the meeting ends exactly at 8:30pm. See the list of speakers below.
• 8:30pm-9pm: Meet us outside of the O'Brien hall as we gather to celebrate our efforts, enjoy acoustic music, and listen to special guest speakers. Recognized singer-songwriter Steve Ybarra will play music which has been featured on radio and television across the country. Shaun Tomson, World Champion Surfer, will be our featured guest speaker. Upon listening to Shaun, we will hear from prominent environmental leaders. As you know, there will not be a decision made at the hearing, so it's important that we come together to ‘celebrate our efforts of the day' and begin to look forward! We expect the Federal Government will make their decision by then end of the fall/early winter.
View list of speakers: click here If you plan to drive yourself please note that the Del Mar Fairgrounds charges $9 for parking. Check out carpool belwo. Please pass this around to everyone who cares about protecting our State Parks! We need thousands of people to attend!
Also, please review guidelines for the hearing. click here Attending hearing is much like being in a court room; we need to be calm, cool and collected. We can't cheer, hold our signs above our heads, or be distracting. Read the rules--they are long, but they say it all! See you on Monday Sept 22 at Del Mar…
Your pals at Surfrider, 

Carpools to the Hearing!
San Diego Carpools:
Rob Field (in Ocean Beach/Point Loma--) 2525 Bacon St San Diego, CA 92107. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
Moreno Street Park and Ride (in Oceanside/Carlsbad—at I-5 and Hwy 78) 1928 Moreno St., Oceanside 92054. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
OC Area Carpools:
Trestles Parking . (929 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672 (Next to Carl's Jr) Carpools leaving at 8:30am .
LA Area:
Venice Pier Parking Lot
Washington & Pacific
9 am meeting for 9:30 pm departure
Look for the Surfrider banner on one of our vehicles
Rob Field (in Ocean Beach/Point Loma--) 2525 Bacon St San Diego, CA 92107. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
Moreno Street Park and Ride (in Oceanside/Carlsbad—at I-5 and Hwy 78) 1928 Moreno St., Oceanside 92054. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
OC Area Carpools:
Trestles Parking . (929 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672 (Next to Carl's Jr) Carpools leaving at 8:30am .
LA Area:
Venice Pier Parking Lot
Washington & Pacific
9 am meeting for 9:30 pm departure
Look for the Surfrider banner on one of our vehicles
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boost Mobile Pro Auction to Support Trestles
A few items left in the benefit auction from Boost Mobile Pro. You saw Kelly Slater win the contest, now own the goods, and support Trestles and Surfrider.
Limited Edition Boost Mobile Pro 2008 Vestal Watch

Contest Jersey Autographed by the Pros

VIP Bag Loaded with Shwag
Limited Edition Boost Mobile Pro 2008 Vestal Watch
Contest Jersey Autographed by the Pros
VIP Bag Loaded with Shwag
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sept 22 Hearing Update

The toll road hearing, next Monday, Sept 22, is fast approaching.
We need you to bring your friends and family! As we saw at the Coastal Commission hearing, when over 3,000 people show up and demand protection of San Onofre and Trestles, decision makers listen! We cannot let the Bush administration overturn a decision that has already been made in California. Get ready! It's time to gather and defend Trestles.
Hopefully you have had a chance to read the hearing procedures: click here Hand-held sings need be a specific dimension (13 x 22 inches). Surfrider will be setting up sign-making stations to ensure everyone has "the right sized signs"; and we'll also be passing out signs already made. Since the hearing will go ‘all day', we are creating interactive stations and planning fun activities outside the hearing (such as, face painting for the kids, frisbee, hacky sack, and of course letter writing stations)! If you can't come for the entire day, please stop by for a bit--just coming for an hour or two CAN make a difference--at this point, public pressure is key to stopping this toll road.
At the hearing, there will be "drop boxes" for letters and we need to fill them up! If you have friends who cannot come, please let them know you can hand-deliver a letter for them. Surfrider, and our partners, will be providing supporters with tee shirts and other goodies (first come, first served). Upon arriving, please check in at the welcome booth. During the hearing break (scheduled at 2pm), we are planning a rally with special speakers. We will also gather briefly after the hearing to re-cap the day and celebrate our efforts!
Other "House Keeping Notes"... We are hoping the list of speakers will be published soon. You can check NOAA's website here: click here and click on "TCA". By Friday we'll be sending around "talking points" to assist you with your testimony (if you are chosen to speak).
We have space in our bus/carpool. If you are coming from Orange County, email Robin: robin.everett@sierraclub.org. If you are in San Diego, email: savetrestles@surfrider.org and indicate if you would like to leave from Ocean Beach or Oceanside. If you are driving yourself, please note there is a $9 parking fee.
Don't forget our street corner demonstration on Sunday before the hearing. September 21st--9am: Street San Elijo Ave and Chesterfield Dr, in Cardiff, CA. Meet us on the corner of San Elijo and Chesterfield in Cardiff, CA (near the Patagonia store). Patagonia Address: 2185 San Elijo Ave Cardiff By Sea, CA 92007. Thanks for your continued support and see you on Sept 22!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Toll Roads Through State Parks are Not Popular with the Public
The Save San Onofre Coalition recently commissioned an independent public poll that found over 60% of interviewed people do not like the idea of a the toll road cutting through San Onofre State Park. To read the full press release go here: click here
Join Us for the Hearing--Go Green:
We have several planned events and upcoming ways that you can plug into the campaign. This Friday, Sept 12, Rip Curl is hosting a BBQ fundraiser for the Save Trestles campaign.

Join Us for the Hearing--Go Green:
The day of the hearing, Surfrider and its partners will be arranging carpools and buses. If you want to leave from San Diego please RSVP at: savetrestles@surfrider.org with the subject line: buses to hearing. Please indicate if you want a bus from North or South San Diego County. If you are coming from Orange County, email Robin at: robin.everett@sierraclub.org.
We have several planned events and upcoming ways that you can plug into the campaign. This Friday, Sept 12, Rip Curl is hosting a BBQ fundraiser for the Save Trestles campaign.

• Community Organizing Meeting: Join Surfrider and Sierra Club on Sept 17th at 7pm San Clemente Community Center to learn more about meeting procedures and the best way to have a successful hearing.
• Street Corner Demonstrations to Raise Awareness about Hearing. September 21st--9am: Street San Elijo Ave and Chesterfield Dr, in Cardiff, CA. Meet us on the corner of San Elijo and Chesterfield in Cardiff, CA (near the Patagonia store). Patagonia Address: 2185 San Elijo Ave Cardiff By Sea, CA 92007
Monday, September 8, 2008
Help us Spread the Word...Print and Hang Posters
Feel free to down load these posters and start hanging them and passing them out where every you go! We need to have thousands of people attend this hearing... and you can help us spread the word. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Feds Need to Hear from YOU
Federal public comment is open right now, and will be open until Oct 2.
We have an action alert asking the Secretary of Commerce to uphold the Coastal Commission decision here: http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/tollroadappeal0408 If you have already completed this, our system will catch it.
We also want to encourage those that live in So Cal to come to the hearing and hand deliver a letter in the drop boxes they will have there. As you know, not everyone will be able to speak; so in order to assist people with submitting comments, Surfrider and our partners will have letter writing stations.
Please attend the hearing all day if possible and bring letters from friends who cannot attend!
We have an action alert asking the Secretary of Commerce to uphold the Coastal Commission decision here: http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/tollroadappeal0408 If you have already completed this, our system will catch it.
We also want to encourage those that live in So Cal to come to the hearing and hand deliver a letter in the drop boxes they will have there. As you know, not everyone will be able to speak; so in order to assist people with submitting comments, Surfrider and our partners will have letter writing stations.
Please attend the hearing all day if possible and bring letters from friends who cannot attend!
Below is a press release from our DC regarding their Paddle for Clean Water. This year, the Chapter is co-branding the Paddle with the Save Trestles campaign. A handful of So Cal Surfrider activists will be heading to our Nation's Capitol to be part of a press conference in order to raise awareness about the upcoming Federal Government hearing that will take place on Sept 22 in Del Mar, CA.
Julie Lawson
Chair, DC Chapter
Surfrider Foundation
WASHINGTON (September 2, 2008)--The Washington, DC, Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation will hold its 14th annual Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac on Saturday, September 13, 2008. The event will occur from 10 am to 2 pm at Thompson Boat Center in Georgetown.
Participants will paddle surfboards, canoes, kayaks, or any non-motorized watercraft from the boat center to the Key Bridge and back. Paddlers will also clean up trash around and on Roosevelt Island. More than 100 local residents are expected to participate.
“The Paddle is a signature event for Surfrider Foundation chapters around the world,” said Julie Lawson, DC Chapter Chair. “Here in DC we paddle to demonstrate the connectivity of the rivers and oceans; what we’re paddling in here in the Potomac will soon be the ocean we surf in. Clean oceans start with clean rivers.”
Prizes, refreshments, and educational materials will be available.
The Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac aims to raise awareness about water-quality and watershed issues. This year, the Paddle will focus on both local and national issues affecting water quality and recreational opportunities.
Local water quality problems such as the outdated combined sewer system and urban runoff are compromising the integrity and health of waterways. Poor water quality damages the region’s ecosystems and recreational opportunities like paddle sports, wakeboarding, fishing, and swimming. Even urban renewal is delayed as the rivers lack the desirability that waterfront communities normally foster.
The polluted Potomac and Anacostia Rivers further weaken the fragile Chesapeake Bay, a national environmental, recreational, and economic treasure. This water ultimately winds up in the ocean, where countless DC-area residents enjoy summer vacations and recreation. The health of our rivers directly affects the health of our oceans. As the chapter slogan says, It’s an upstream battle.
DC Surfrider recognizes its unique position as a local chapter in the presence of national lawmakers. In partnership with fellow chapters in Southern California, we also are concerned about larger issues such as the proposed toll road through San Onofre State Beach. This private development will invade precious undeveloped public lands and in the process severely degrade water and wave quality at Trestles, the only venue for professional surfing competitions in the mainland United States.
The developers’ appeal of the California Coastal Commission’s rejection of the toll road is currently before the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. The secretary’s decision will affect not only the preservation of the wave and environment at Trestles but potentially the management and use of public lands in the long-term.
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 75 chapters across the United States and Puerto Rico, with international affiliates in Australia, Japan, Europe, and Brazil.
Julie Lawson
Chair, DC Chapter
Surfrider Foundation
WASHINGTON (September 2, 2008)--The Washington, DC, Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation will hold its 14th annual Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac on Saturday, September 13, 2008. The event will occur from 10 am to 2 pm at Thompson Boat Center in Georgetown.
Participants will paddle surfboards, canoes, kayaks, or any non-motorized watercraft from the boat center to the Key Bridge and back. Paddlers will also clean up trash around and on Roosevelt Island. More than 100 local residents are expected to participate.
“The Paddle is a signature event for Surfrider Foundation chapters around the world,” said Julie Lawson, DC Chapter Chair. “Here in DC we paddle to demonstrate the connectivity of the rivers and oceans; what we’re paddling in here in the Potomac will soon be the ocean we surf in. Clean oceans start with clean rivers.”
Prizes, refreshments, and educational materials will be available.
The Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac aims to raise awareness about water-quality and watershed issues. This year, the Paddle will focus on both local and national issues affecting water quality and recreational opportunities.
Local water quality problems such as the outdated combined sewer system and urban runoff are compromising the integrity and health of waterways. Poor water quality damages the region’s ecosystems and recreational opportunities like paddle sports, wakeboarding, fishing, and swimming. Even urban renewal is delayed as the rivers lack the desirability that waterfront communities normally foster.
The polluted Potomac and Anacostia Rivers further weaken the fragile Chesapeake Bay, a national environmental, recreational, and economic treasure. This water ultimately winds up in the ocean, where countless DC-area residents enjoy summer vacations and recreation. The health of our rivers directly affects the health of our oceans. As the chapter slogan says, It’s an upstream battle.
DC Surfrider recognizes its unique position as a local chapter in the presence of national lawmakers. In partnership with fellow chapters in Southern California, we also are concerned about larger issues such as the proposed toll road through San Onofre State Beach. This private development will invade precious undeveloped public lands and in the process severely degrade water and wave quality at Trestles, the only venue for professional surfing competitions in the mainland United States.
The developers’ appeal of the California Coastal Commission’s rejection of the toll road is currently before the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. The secretary’s decision will affect not only the preservation of the wave and environment at Trestles but potentially the management and use of public lands in the long-term.
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 75 chapters across the United States and Puerto Rico, with international affiliates in Australia, Japan, Europe, and Brazil.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Quick Reminder about Speaking at Hearing...
If you want to speak at the upcoming toll road hearing on Sept 22, you must mail a written request. All requests must be received via U.S. Mail or commercial carrier by September 12, 2008. If you haven't already mailed your speaker slip, send an email to: savetrestles@surfrider.org and provide your full name and address and we'll mail your speaker slip for you. Send us an email by Sept 6th, or mail the request yourself to: Thomas Street, NOAA--General Counsel for Ocean Services--1305 East-West Highway, Room 6111
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Other Community Events Planned To Raise Awareness About Hearing:
World Gallery Fine Art Presents: The Perfect Wave-- Art auction and raffle to benefit the Surfrider Foundation's Save Trestles. September 5, 2008 6-11pm. 1980 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, CA. 92627
Paddle for Clean Water: Both the Washington DC and San Diego Chapters are using their Paddle events to raise awareness about the toll road hearing. click here to see the happenings in San Diego, and click here for DC Paddle.
Community Organizing Meeting: Join Surfrider and Sierra Club a few days before the hearing to learn more about meeting procedures and the best way to have a successful hearing. Time and Location TBD.
Jack Doing his Own Community Awareness
The procedures for the hearing are a bit Byzantine--and you should know that not everyone who sends in a request will be allowed to speak. The Federal Government has assured us they will be fair by randomly picking individuals to speak. However, even if you are not chosen to testify, we need you to attend the hearing. A massive turn out is key to ensuring the California Coastal Commission decision is upheld. Please help us spread the word about the importance of attending this hearing!
Be sure to review the guidelines for the hearing. Remember, there is a set time for the hearing (10:30am--8:30pm). We expect a final decision from the Federal Government by late fall or early winter. For hearing guidelines, click here
On the day of the hearing, Surfrider and its partners will be arranging carpools and buses. If you want to leave from San Diego please RSVP at: savetrestles@surfrider.org with the subject line: buses to hearing. Please indicate if you want a bus from North or South San Diego County. If you are coming from Orange County, email Robin at: robin.everett@sierraclub.org.
Other Community Events Planned To Raise Awareness About Hearing:
World Gallery Fine Art Presents: The Perfect Wave-- Art auction and raffle to benefit the Surfrider Foundation's Save Trestles. September 5, 2008 6-11pm. 1980 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, CA. 92627
Paddle for Clean Water: Both the Washington DC and San Diego Chapters are using their Paddle events to raise awareness about the toll road hearing. click here to see the happenings in San Diego, and click here for DC Paddle.
Community Organizing Meeting: Join Surfrider and Sierra Club a few days before the hearing to learn more about meeting procedures and the best way to have a successful hearing. Time and Location TBD.

Jack Doing his Own Community Awareness
Rally to Save Trestles—Help Raise Awareness About Sept 22 Public Hearing.
Join Surfrider Foundation activists for public demonstrations to Save Trestles and San Onofre! The last few days and hours before the Secretary of Commerce hearing are crucial--and we must be highly visible! We'll be waiving signs, holding surf boards and constructing miniature tents to demonstrate how the toll road will ruin the camping and surfing experience at San Onofre State Beach. We need you there! We’ll have all the supplies; all you need to do is show up!
September 7th—11am: Pico Ave, near Interstate 5, in San Clemente, CA.
Meet us at Staple's parking lot in San Clemente at 11am and we will walk over to Pico together. Staples Address: 93 Via Pico PlazaSan Clemente, CA 92672
September 21st—9am: San Elijo Ave and Chesterfield Dr, in Cardiff, CA
Meet us on the corner of San Elijo and Chesterfield in Cardiff, CA (near the Patagonia store).
Patagonia Address: 2185 San Elijo AveCardiff By Sea, CA 92007
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