Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Take Action. Stop Zombie Road from Being Built in Pieces

Our last blog re-capped how "we got here"... Toll road developers want to build their road in "segments."

Please help us stop them.

Send a letter to the Regional Water Board asking them to "adopt the Staff Findings for the denial of the Tesoro Extension."

The sure-fire way to stop them is to show up in person on March 16th in San Diego.  The hearing is scheduled to start at 9am, however try to arrive before 9am. Fortunately, they reserved a bigger venue this time, but showing up early always guarantees you have a place to watch the drama unfold. Surfrider will post talking points to this website as the hearing nears. In the meantime, we have a FaceBook invite we hope you will share with your friends in SoCal.

Meeting Details: 

WHEN: March 16th 2015.  Meeting starts at 9am, but please arrive before 9am to guarantee a seat. 

WHERE: NTC at Liberty Station, McMillin Companies Event Center, 2875 Dewey Road, San Diego, CA. 

WHAT: Save Trestles once and for all! 

PS: Thanks for your continuing support!


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