Thursday, December 18, 2008
News Flash: Trestles Prevails with the Federal Government
The Department of Commerce announced today that it would uphold the California Coastal Commission's decision! The egregious project to build a toll road through San Onofre State Beach is officially illegal under state and Federal law! In a release issued from the Department of Commerce, they "determined that there is at least one reasonable alternative to the project and that the project is not necessary in the interest of national security.
While the decision is a fatal blow to the project, the fight to build the toll road is not over. We still need opponents of the toll road to continue writing letters and communicating with their local elected officials to let them know we are happy with the results and we stand behind the Department of Commerce's decision. In the coming days, we will have specific action items, but in the meantime, take some time to CELEBRATE this wonderful victory! Of course, Surfrider and our Coalition members will be planning a great celebration party, so stay tuned for that.
This victory would not have been possible if it was not for the activists who showed up by the thousands at the California Coastal Commission and Secretary of Commerce hearings or wrote letters to voice their opposition to the toll road.
Without a doubt, this victory belongs to the all dedicated individuals who have followed this campaign for several years. The ruling proves decision-makers listen when thousands of people speak out against ill-conceived projects.
Surfrider is calling upon the TCA and Orange County elected officials to embrace alternative transportation strategies that will better address the county's traffic issues without jeopardizing our environmental, recreational and economic resources.
We challenge the TCA to stop wasting money on lawyers and lobbying and to work with regional stakeholders to find better traffic solutions.
Should the TCA choose to appeal the Department of Commerce's decision, the Surfrider Foundation and its coalition partners are prepared to fight that battle as well.
On behalf of the Surfrider Foundation thank you for your continuing support! Our flagship campaign would not be possible without!
For Trestles,
Your pals at Surfrider
Monday, December 15, 2008
Seasons Greetings and Reminder the Federal Gov’t will Rule Soon on Toll Road…
As we enter into the busy holiday season, we want to remind you that the Secretary of Commerce will soon be making his decision regarding the appeal of the California Coastal Commission ruling. He has until Jan 7, 2009 to decide.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Trestles Featured in National Geographic
In the October Issue of Traveler, our Destination Watch department looked into the ongoing controversy surrounding Trestles Beach in southern California, a shore made famous in the Beach Boys' classic "Surfin' U.S.A." National Geographic magazine Production Coordinator Jeff DiNunzio recently visited the beach and sends us this update.
Just below San Diego’s northern border with Orange County sits San Onofre State Beach, or San O. The park includes three distinct areas, the Bluffs, San Onofre Surf Beach, and San Mateo Campground, and over the past year, San O has become a battleground between supporters of highway infrastructure development and challengers who favor fewer cars and preserving the park.
The Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) want to extend the Foothill Toll Road—Route 241—and link coastal Orange County with its expansion eastward. In order to deal with the estimated 60 percent traffic increase expected in south Orange County in the next quarter-century, the TCA believes the six-lane, 16-mile extension will be a vital accommodation. The road in question falls under the California highway system but is operated by the TCA, which is funded by the sale of bonds to both private individuals and institutional investors. The extension boasts a list of supporters and research on congestion-induced environmental hazards.
The addition, however, would cut through a patch of well-maintained terrain in San O, and opponents fear it would threaten the operation of its campgrounds (eliminating all of San Mateo’s 161 sites).
Furthermore, it would diminish water and wildlife quality (San Mateo Watershed purportedly contains six rare or endangered species) and adversely affect the waves at Trestles Beach, which draws surfers from around the world. The assertion that new roads will mitigate, rather than worsen, congestion has met persistent skepticism. Organizations like Save San Onofre, the Surfrider Foundation, and United Coalition to Protect Panhe are campaigning to counter the TCA’s lobbying efforts for approval, boosting press coverage to rouse public support.
The surf break, known as Trestles, hosts the only Association of Surfing Professionals’ World Championship Tour (WCT) contest on the mainland United States. Each September, thousands of spectators crowd San O’s shores—already the fifth-most-visited of California’s roughly 270 state parks. So, on Friday, September 12th, I went. But the contest was over and the pros had skipped town. (WCT events have about a two-week waiting period so they can be held in the best waves; thus, end dates fluctuate.) A blessing perhaps. People travel far to attend the contest. But on a normal day, it’s mostly local surfers and beach-goers hiking to the beach. Rather than watch surfers and talk to out-of-towners, I surfed and spoke with the locals.
“It’s pretty amazing that sandwiched in the middle of San Diego and that whole L.A. mess is a relatively pristine natural habitat,” said Kyle McGee, a skinny, curly-haired San Diegan who frequently surfs Trestles. “You were out there. You saw how clear the water is. And the white wash from the waves—where else in California have you seen anything that blue?” Nowhere, in fact, except the sky.
Surfer and science teacher Nick Ritchie has been camping at Trestles since he moved to Los Angeles five years ago. “Just look at this place. North and south are all paved—stores, houses, parking lots, freeways. I don’t think saving the park for its own sake is a bad reason for denying the Toll Road. There are mountain lions in the hills and steelheads in the creek. And those waves... There’s a reason the contest is held here and not anywhere else on the West Coast.” It's a valid point. “Here’s what I don’t get: how can the government override the Coastal Commission’s decision against the construction? I understand the right to appeal, but at some point the feds have to concede that the local community knows what’s best for itself.”
The decision Ritchie referred to was made by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) last February to deny the TCA’s request to build the extension. The CCC is an independent, quasi-judicial state agency charged with planning and monitoring the use of land and water in the coastal zone in coordination with the California Coastal Act of 1976. How does the CCC view the controversy? They voted 8-2 against the toll road. At the February hearing, Executive Director Peter M. Douglas said, “this is the most significant project to come before this commission since the San Onofre nuclear power plant in 1974. I know of no other coastal development project so demonstrably inconsistent with the law that has come this far in the regulatory review process.”
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, part of the U.S. Commerce Department, reviewed the TCA’s appeal at a public hearing on September 22 in Del Mar, California. A decision by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez is expected by January 7th, 2009. If the appeal is won, and the newest extremity of Route 241 approved, there will still be a reason to visit San O’s campsites, trails, and beaches: legal and logistical delays. The implications of the road are debatable; the status of the park is not. For now, it's open for all to enjoy. So, as Orange County wave-rider Alex Knost suggests in the 2007 film One California Day, “enjoy it while it’s here and quit complaining.”
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Quick Updates about Trestles Campaign.
While we're waiting, we are far from idle… the Surfrider Foundation is continuing our public outreach. This weekend (Nov 7-9) we will be down at the Oxbow World Longboarding Tour at San Onofre State Beach educating the public about the proposal to build a toll road through this precious park. This surfing competition brings the world's 48 best longboarders together. Come check out the surfing and stop by our booth to say hi!
We will also continue the annual tradition with the South Orange County Chapter of Surfrider by hosting another holiday party to raise awareness and funds for the Trestles campaign (more details to come soon).
Finally, the Save Trestles campaign will receive a Recognition Award from Convicted Artists at their Extreme Sports & Artist Charity Event. Over the summer, the Trestles campaign also received a Special Recognition Award from Surf Industry Manufacturers Association for our work to stop the toll road. We are extremely honored to receive such accolades!
The Extreme Sports & Artist Charity Event will take place Dec 13 in Irvine; and will feature several high profile athletes, a silent auction, a skateboard competition, a comedy show, and the Master of ceremonies will be Brooke Jena Lewis, the talented comedian, who has shared the stage with countless acclaimed actors and comedians. For event and ticket information contact: Steven Arredondo
Thanks for your continuing support of the Trestles campaign. Your Pals at Surfrider,
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Valerie Gee
Spy Optic
(760) 804-8420 x1174
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Carlsbad, CA - October 23, 2008 - Spy Optic is pleased to announce its continued efforts to raise funds for the Save Trestles Surfrider Foundation campaign through Spy Optic’s partnership with Spy team rider Mike Losness.
For the month of November, Losness’ 48 x 36" mixed media canvas painting of Trestles will be on display at the California Surf Museum in Oceanside, California, and to kick off the First Annual California Surf Festival Celebrating Bruce Brown’s 50th Anniversary November 7-9th, 2008.
Donations to the Surfrider Foundation’s Save Trestles campaign will be accepted online through Spy Optic’s website until November 30th, 2008. Each five-dollar donation will enter you in a chance to win Losness’ painting and prize packs from Mike’s sponsors: Spy Optic, Body Glove, Adio and GFH Boards.
Mike’s painting tour this past summer throughout Southern California collected raffle ticket donations from local retail stops at Sun Diego, K-Five, Becker, Spyder, Surfside and ZJ Boarding House. All proceeds from the tour and through the end of November will be donated to the Surfrider Foundation.
California Surf Museum President Daryl Dick says, “The California Surf Museum is pleased to host the painting and give the public an opportunity to view this unique work of art dedicated to the preservation of a historical surfing landmark.”
Spy Optic is proud to be a part of the Help Save Trestles movement with the Surfrider Foundation, collaboratively working with the California Surf Museum to help preserve and protect our oceans and keep intact surfing communities and culture for the next generation of surfers.
For more information about the First Annual California Surf Festival, please visit
For more information on Mike’s painting giveaway, please visit
For more information on the Surfrider Foundation and the Save Trestles campaign, please visit
About Spy Optic
Spy Optic designs, develops and markets premium products for the action sports and youth lifestyle markets. Spy’s principal products, sunglasses and goggles, target the action sports market, including surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, motocross, wakeboarding and skiing, and the youth lifestyle market within fashion, music, and entertainment. Spy’s innovative proprietary products utilize high-quality materials, handcrafted manufacturing processes and engineered optical lens technology to convey premium quality, contemporary style, and progressive design. Spy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orange 21, Inc. (NASDAQ:ORNG).
About The Surfrider FoundationThe Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 80 chapters worldwide.
About the California Surf Museum
Funds raised from the FUEL TV presents the First Annual California Surf Festival will assist the California Surf Museum in its growth. The new CSM location at 312 Pier View Way in Oceanside will expand exhibit area, add educational opportunities and increase archival space. The CSM Mission Statement is to serve as an international repository and resource center on the lifestyle sport of surfing through capturing, preserving and chronicling its art, culture and heritage for the education and enjoyment of future generations. CSM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located at 223 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054; phone (760) 721-6876 or email Open daily 10-4; free admission. Please visit the website at
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tis the Season!... Ready for Another Taxpayer Bailout?
1.) Pay for the "consolidation" of toll road agencies (the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency which operates State Route 73 and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency which operates Routes 241, 261 and 133). The two underperforming agencies would use the loan to "consolidate" their $4.6 billion in existing debt.
2.) The $1.1 billion loan, if approved, would be the largest in the TIFIA program's 10-year history, would consume roughly half of the annual loan capacity for the program and would divert funding from other projects here in California and throughout the nation that are a high priority for producing new transportation infrastructure and jobs.
3.) The TCS has mislead the public regarding its toll roads by claiming that they would support themselves financially, and that taxpayers would never be asked to assume the risk of their failure. Now it is clear that the toll roads are falling far short of projected usage and revenues. TCS has responded by seeking a massive federal bailout that would put more than a billion dollars of taxpayer money at risk.
Surfrider and our Coalition partners are not the only people concerned about this massive bailout. Important decision makers are weighing in as well. Senator Barbra Boxer recently wrote a letter to the Department of Transportation saying: "It is my understanding that the funding provided by this loan would be used to stabilize the finances of the TCS's existing toll roads, a purpose that was not originally intended by the TIFIA loan program".
Now It's Your Turn to Weigh in! We Need You to Write Letters to the Editor and Post Blog Comments.
Talking Points and Themes to Consider:
****Why is the public being asked to help an agency who said they would never use taxpayer funds?
****Why is this loan being requested? If TCS is unable to manage its current finances, why are some politicians supporting TCS's plan to spend more than $1.6 billion on the proposed Foothill-South – a toll road to nowhere?
****Congress needs to ask – What have we learned from the current financial crisis about putting taxpayers at risk? In this time of scarce transportation funds and pressing economic priorities, why would the Federal Government even consider a massive bailout for a project that has already been built?
****Bottom Line: Taxpayer money should not be spent bailing out a haphazard agency. To read a fact sheet and more background information about this bailout click here
Who and Where to Write:
In addition to writing a letter, please post blog comments (using the article links below).
Send Letters To:
• Washington Post:
• Sacramento Bee:
• Los Angels Times:
• San Diego Union Tribune:
• Orange County Register:
• North County Times:
Read Articles and Post Blogs here:
LA Times: click here
OC Register: click here
North County Times: click here
LA Times Opinion Blog: click here
OC Weekly: click here
Remember, the most effective Letters to the Editor is usually under 150 words. If you would like help crafting a letter, please email Stefanie:
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Surfrider CEO Jim Moriarty speaks out at Commerce Hearing
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Road to Nowhere - LA Times
The U.S. Commerce Department came, it saw (or at least heard), and now it gets to decide whether to allow the Foothill South toll road to be built even though the project was rejected by the state.
The Bush administration has displayed a generally hostile attitude toward public parks and environmental protection. So let this serve as a reminder that federal officials are not supposed to act as a second Coastal Commission in deciding the merits or demerits of the Foothill South. Their role is to determine solely whether the road is in the national interest.
This one's easy. The Foothill South is a toll road to nowhere through San Onofre State Beach in northern San Diego County, a particularly popular state park that despite its name also includes a large portion of undeveloped inland canyon. The road would traverse the length of this rustic canyon and cut through a private nature preserve in south Orange County and an ancient Native American village that is still used for ceremonies. Because the toll would be costly and the road would divert commuters away from the employment centers to which they most commonly drive, its ability to substantially reduce traffic on a chronically congested section of Interstate 5 is questionable; on the toll road most similar to this project, the San Joaquin Hills, ridership remains low. What about this is in the national interest?
True, Interstate 5 is a key north-south artery for commuter and international freight traffic. But drivers would be better served by a direct route, widening the I-5 through San Clemente with toll lanes. Residents of the city understandably deplore the idea, but this freeway already has been successfully widened through most of the rest of Orange County.
Despite arguments by the Transportation Corridor Agencies, the toll road would serve no significant purpose for Camp Pendleton, nor is it likely to provide a life-saving escape in case of an accident at the San Onofre nuclear plant. The plant has operated for decades and is scheduled to go out of service in 2022, just nine years after the earliest anticipated opening date for the toll road. Besides, why would San Clemente residents drive south toward San Onofre in order to pick up a road to get away from it?
The proposed Foothill South toll road is a throwback to outdated models of growth that have locked this region into a pattern of killer commutes, reliance on foreign oil and the production of pollutants that foul air quality and contribute to global warming, at the expense of precious open spaces and endangered species. It serves neither the state nor the nation well.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Trestles: Videos of the Good and Bad...Plus Media Coverage

Things Haven't Slowed Down and We Need You to Stay Active…. The LA Time recently published a great opinion blog, and we need you to post a comment. Because of the ability to add lengthy comments, this blog provides an ideal place for you to share your thoughts on why the Secretary of Commerce needs to uphold the Coastal Commission decision. This is also a great opportunity for people who wanted to speak at the hearing but were not chosen. click here to read and post a comment.
While You're at It…. Check out what we've more comments on You Tube...!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wonderful photos of our land..
San Clemente photographer Pamela Marches recently shot this beautiful series of photos in the inland section of San Onofre and Donna O'Neill, the exact area the TCA wants to build their concrete monstrosity. Not exactly "a bunch of dirt and weeds" as our Assemblymember Mimi Walters calls it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank You! Trestles Hearing Successful!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Final Agenda and Speaker List Published

Carpools to the Hearing!
Rob Field (in Ocean Beach/Point Loma--) 2525 Bacon St San Diego, CA 92107. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
Moreno Street Park and Ride (in Oceanside/Carlsbad—at I-5 and Hwy 78) 1928 Moreno St., Oceanside 92054. Carpools leaving promptly at 10:00am .
OC Area Carpools:
Trestles Parking . (929 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672 (Next to Carl's Jr) Carpools leaving at 8:30am .
LA Area:
Venice Pier Parking Lot
Washington & Pacific
9 am meeting for 9:30 pm departure
Look for the Surfrider banner on one of our vehicles
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Boost Mobile Pro Auction to Support Trestles
Limited Edition Boost Mobile Pro 2008 Vestal Watch
Contest Jersey Autographed by the Pros
VIP Bag Loaded with Shwag
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sept 22 Hearing Update

The toll road hearing, next Monday, Sept 22, is fast approaching.
Other "House Keeping Notes"... We are hoping the list of speakers will be published soon. You can check NOAA's website here: click here and click on "TCA". By Friday we'll be sending around "talking points" to assist you with your testimony (if you are chosen to speak).
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Toll Roads Through State Parks are Not Popular with the Public
Join Us for the Hearing--Go Green:
We have several planned events and upcoming ways that you can plug into the campaign. This Friday, Sept 12, Rip Curl is hosting a BBQ fundraiser for the Save Trestles campaign.

Monday, September 8, 2008
Help us Spread the Word...Print and Hang Posters

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Feds Need to Hear from YOU
We have an action alert asking the Secretary of Commerce to uphold the Coastal Commission decision here: If you have already completed this, our system will catch it.
We also want to encourage those that live in So Cal to come to the hearing and hand deliver a letter in the drop boxes they will have there. As you know, not everyone will be able to speak; so in order to assist people with submitting comments, Surfrider and our partners will have letter writing stations.
Please attend the hearing all day if possible and bring letters from friends who cannot attend!
Julie Lawson
Chair, DC Chapter
Surfrider Foundation
WASHINGTON (September 2, 2008)--The Washington, DC, Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation will hold its 14th annual Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac on Saturday, September 13, 2008. The event will occur from 10 am to 2 pm at Thompson Boat Center in Georgetown.
Participants will paddle surfboards, canoes, kayaks, or any non-motorized watercraft from the boat center to the Key Bridge and back. Paddlers will also clean up trash around and on Roosevelt Island. More than 100 local residents are expected to participate.
“The Paddle is a signature event for Surfrider Foundation chapters around the world,” said Julie Lawson, DC Chapter Chair. “Here in DC we paddle to demonstrate the connectivity of the rivers and oceans; what we’re paddling in here in the Potomac will soon be the ocean we surf in. Clean oceans start with clean rivers.”
Prizes, refreshments, and educational materials will be available.
The Clean Water Paddle on the Potomac aims to raise awareness about water-quality and watershed issues. This year, the Paddle will focus on both local and national issues affecting water quality and recreational opportunities.
Local water quality problems such as the outdated combined sewer system and urban runoff are compromising the integrity and health of waterways. Poor water quality damages the region’s ecosystems and recreational opportunities like paddle sports, wakeboarding, fishing, and swimming. Even urban renewal is delayed as the rivers lack the desirability that waterfront communities normally foster.
The polluted Potomac and Anacostia Rivers further weaken the fragile Chesapeake Bay, a national environmental, recreational, and economic treasure. This water ultimately winds up in the ocean, where countless DC-area residents enjoy summer vacations and recreation. The health of our rivers directly affects the health of our oceans. As the chapter slogan says, It’s an upstream battle.
DC Surfrider recognizes its unique position as a local chapter in the presence of national lawmakers. In partnership with fellow chapters in Southern California, we also are concerned about larger issues such as the proposed toll road through San Onofre State Beach. This private development will invade precious undeveloped public lands and in the process severely degrade water and wave quality at Trestles, the only venue for professional surfing competitions in the mainland United States.
The developers’ appeal of the California Coastal Commission’s rejection of the toll road is currently before the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. The secretary’s decision will affect not only the preservation of the wave and environment at Trestles but potentially the management and use of public lands in the long-term.
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 75 chapters across the United States and Puerto Rico, with international affiliates in Australia, Japan, Europe, and Brazil.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Quick Reminder about Speaking at Hearing...
Other Community Events Planned To Raise Awareness About Hearing:
World Gallery Fine Art Presents: The Perfect Wave-- Art auction and raffle to benefit the Surfrider Foundation's Save Trestles. September 5, 2008 6-11pm. 1980 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, CA. 92627
Paddle for Clean Water: Both the Washington DC and San Diego Chapters are using their Paddle events to raise awareness about the toll road hearing. click here to see the happenings in San Diego, and click here for DC Paddle.
Community Organizing Meeting: Join Surfrider and Sierra Club a few days before the hearing to learn more about meeting procedures and the best way to have a successful hearing. Time and Location TBD.

Jack Doing his Own Community Awareness
Rally to Save Trestles—Help Raise Awareness About Sept 22 Public Hearing.
September 7th—11am: Pico Ave, near Interstate 5, in San Clemente, CA.
Meet us at Staple's parking lot in San Clemente at 11am and we will walk over to Pico together. Staples Address: 93 Via Pico PlazaSan Clemente, CA 92672
Meet us on the corner of San Elijo and Chesterfield in Cardiff, CA (near the Patagonia store).
Patagonia Address: 2185 San Elijo AveCardiff By Sea, CA 92007
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Official Surfrider Foundation Media Alert
WHO: Surfrider Foundation activists, surfers, hikers and everyone who opposes the extension of the 241 Toll Road. It is critical that toll road opponents register to speak and attend the hearing to show their strong support for San Onofre State Beach.
WHAT: The U.S. Secretary of Commerce rescheduled public hearing regarding the controversial 241 Toll road extension.
WHEN: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:30 AM – 8:30 PM
WHERE: O’Brien Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Del Mar, CA 92014
TO SPEAK: In order to speak at the hearing, a written request must be submitted via United States Mail or commercial carrier to NOAA by September 12, 2008. No requests received after September 12 or requests submitted via e-mail, fax or voicemail will be considered. Please say you will be speaking as an individual, not representing an organization.
Send written request to:
Thomas Street, NOAA Office of General Counsel for Ocean Services
1305 East-West Highway, Room 6111
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Please be sure to carefully review the rule and procedures for the hearing here:
Benefit for Save Trestles

The Perfect Wave
To benefit the Surfrider Foundation's Save Trestles campain.
Art auction and raffle!
Saturday, September 5, 20086-11pm
Drew Brophy, Thomas Bugard, Chad Carothers, Eileen Comia, Sean Fahlen, Kim Hamrock, Howard Kirk, John Lewis, Dennis McTighe, Keith Neblet, Robert Andrian, Josh Searfin, , ..
Food and beverages
Monday, August 25, 2008
Our Waiting Paid Off!
The hearing is open to all members of the public, and anyone wishing to provide oral testimony at the hearing must submit a written request via US mail or commercial carrier to NOAA no later than September 12, 2008. Neither requests after this date nor requests submitted by fax, email or voicemail will be considered. In the request, please include full name, address and a statement that the testimony will be provided on behalf of the individual, (see below for example of what to mail to the Secretary) .
It's critical that you register to speak and attend the hearing to show your strong opposition to the toll road. As we saw with the Coastal Commission, decision makers take notice and weigh their decision more carefully when thousands of people attend a public hearing. It's imperative that Save Trestles supporters, from near and far, are present to ensure the Commission's decision is upheld.
We will be sending out more concrete details as they come, but in the meantime, please mail your request to speak immediately. As always, you can still attend a public hearing even if you do not speak. But the more people we having testifying on behalf of Trestles and San Onofre, the greater chance we have of finally winning this battle! Please be sure to carefully review the rules and procedures for the hearing here:
Please Include the Following, and Physically Mail To:
Thomas Street, NOAA Office of General Counsel for Ocean Services
1305 East-West Highway, Room 6111
Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Please note, all mail must be received no later than September 12, 2008
In Your Letter Say:
Dear Mr. Street,
I wish to speak at the public hearing on September 22 in Del Mar, CA. I will be speaking as an individual, not representing an organization.
Thank you.
Looking for More Volunteer Opportunities?
As we did throughout the month of August, we will be in the community raising awareness about the hearing (via street corner demonstrations, community events, etc) And we'll be down at Boost Mobil surf contest. This is the "contest of all contests" and it's at Trestles beach! If you haven't volunteered for this event, it's a must! This is your chance to educate people about the Save Trestles campaign, and check out professional surfers from around the world compete. Below are dates and shifts…please indicate what shift you would like (first come, first served). RVSP your spot by emailing with the subject line: Boost
Thursday, September 11
• 9am-12pm
• 12pm-3pm
Friday, September 12
• 9am-12pm
• 12pm-3pm
Saturday, September 13
• 9am-12pm
• 12pm-3pm
Thanks for your support and see you on Sept 22! **Please note the official press release from Surfrider Foundation is forthcoming. Please do not post this content as an official press release.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Paddle for State Parks
WHAT: Hans Fernan, an Encinitas lifeguard, will lead a group of paddlers over a period of six days and paddle the entire coastline of San Diego County from Border Field State Park to San Onofre State Park- a total of over 70 miles.. The last day of the paddle will coincide with the opening day of the surfing world tour event at Trestles Beach in San Onofre State Park. The paddle is being supported by WiLDCOAST, a nonprofit organization that protects and preserves coastal ecosystems in the Californias and Latin America..
WHY: Both underfunding and proposed development projects threaten our parks.. Earlier this year, the Governor proposed closing 48 state parks (17% of the entire system) and reducing lifeguard staffing on 16 of the state's most popular beaches.. Proposed development projects currently threaten 2 of the state's most popular state parks which both happen to be in San Diego County.. If built, the 241 Toll Road would destroy 60% of San Onofre State Park, and the Sunrise Powerlink would forever change Anza Borrega State Park..Most Californians believe that our state parks are permanent- that they will exist forever for future generations to enjoy. However, as these development projects show, this is not the case. .This paddle is an effort to provoke public dialog by drawing attention to the need for our state elected officials to develop legislation that will protect our state parks from underfunding and future development projects- FOREVER..
HOW TO SUPPORT THE PADDLE:• Join the Paddle: If you're an active paddler up for the challenge, join Hans on any or all legs of the trip• Provide Transportation: Paddlers will need rides to/from paddle locations.Volunteers should have a car with surf racks or a truck• Spread the Word: Forward this on to anyone who might be interested in the project; post it on public forums, etc• Advocate for State Parks: Write or call your state elected officials from the CA State Assembly and Senate urging them to support all state parks by opposing the 241 Toll Road through San Onofre and the Sunrise Powerlink through Anza Borrego, and help to pass The California State Park Access Pass being proposed by Rep.Laird (D-Santa Cruz) The California State Park Access Pass is a proposal to provide critical funding for the state park system, while offering Californians free day-use access to their state parks.. It creates a new funding stream for supporting California's state parks by instituting a $10 surcharge on vehicle license fees of all non-commercial vehicles in California and some light commercial vehiclesTo contact your representatives visit: www. savestateparks. org
September 2 - Border Field State Park (Imperial Beach) to Coronado 10..5 miles•
September 3- Coronado around Point Loma 3..8 mile to Ocean Beach Pier 6..4 miles total for day 10..2 miles•
September 4- Ocean Beach around Seal Rock 6..8 miles to Scripps Pier 2..5 total for day 9..3 miles•
September 5- Scripps to Encinitas Moonlight Beach 12..7 miles•
September 6 - Encinitas to Oceanside Pier 11..5 miles
• September 7- Oceanside to San Onofre State Beach 18..0 miles• Total miles 72..2
CONTACTS:Hans Fernan, Project Lead, (760) 504-9046 ; Ben McCue, WiLDCOAST, (619) 423-8665 x 208
Taking it to the Streets....round two.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
San Onofre Coalition Sues Fish and Wildlife Service
Here's the press release and an article in today's Union Tribune.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Save Trestles Signs Here, There and Everywhere!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Trestles Activists are Active at the Capitol and a Street Corner near You.
The Senate Natural Resources Committee and Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee jointly sponsored the hearing in order to examine important issues facing our state parks. Topics covered included: the funding crisis in State Parks, development threats, concerns about how we are protecting state parks for the future, and more.
Of course, San Onofre State Park and Trestles were at the center of the issues discussed. Surfrider was pleased to give testimony about the importance of protecting our State Parks and stopping the toll road through the 5th most popular State Park. Prior to the hearing, Surfrider its coalition partners organized a press conference with notable speakers such as Senator Christine Kehoe and Assemblymember Laird to highlight threats facing our State Parks system.

Join Surfrider activists on Sunday, August 17th at 10:30 am at Main Beach in Laguna Beach for a demonstration to protect Trestles and San Onofre! Even though the Department of Commerce has not rescheduled the hearing yet, it's important that we are highly visible and continuing to put pressure on the Federal Government to reschedule the public hearing. We'll be waiving signs, holding surf boards and constructing miniature tents to demonstrate how the toll road will ruin the camping and surfing experience at San Onofre State Beach. And we need you there!
Directions: Drive North or South on I- 5 Freeway, exit Hwy. 133 South. The 133 South turns into Laguna Canyon Road and becomes Broadway which will end at Pacific Coast Highway at Main Beach. Look for Surfrider banners near the lifeguard tower.
Nearly every weekend during August and September we'll be out in communities in Southern California raising awareness about the campaign. If you can't make the demonstration at Main Beach on August 17th, send an email to to learn about other outreach opportunities we have.
What's your surf spot worth?
Help us find out.
Researchers at UCLA are conducting a survey of surfers who surf at California surf spots to evaluate their worth. You can help by visiting this link and filling out the survey. click here Trestles is in the list of surf spots.
Your participation can help us better protect and manage California surf spots in the future.
Background: Researchers at UCLA are conducting a research project on the economics of surfing. For part of the project they are planning to assess the economic value of surf spots in California. To do so they need to get as many surfers who surf California surf spots as possible to fill out a web-based survey within 24 hours of surfing. The more surfers who fill out the survey the more accurate the estimation. The results will be used in a model to estimate the economic value of surf spots in California.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
38 Legislators Oppose the Toll road
Thirty eight state legislators have signed a letter opposing construction of the Foothill South toll road, saying the U.S. Secretary of Commerce should not void a decision by the state Coastal Commission denying the project.
The July 22 letter escalates a war of words between the opponents and the supporters of the toll road, a 16-mile extension of the 241 toll road that would cut through San Onofre State Beach park, as well as through habitat for a variety of species.
Read the letter here:
Of course this comes after a large group of the CA Congressional Reps. (including Senator Boxer), LT Gov. Garamendi, and State Treasurer Bill Lockyer all sent letters asking that the Federal government refuse to overturn the CA Coastal Commission's decision.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Contest - Counter the TCA Lies
Attached to the mailer is a postage-paid reply card. If you got one of these in the mail, mark up the card with your thoughts on the toll road and mail it back to the TCA!! But before you drop it in the mailbox take a picture of it and send it over to . We'll pick the most creative and send the winners a free Save Trestles t-shirt, and highlight them at

So get busy with your markers and tell them what you think!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Japan Knows the woes of Toll Roads on the Beach…

Department of Commerce Hearing Events Update.
However, Surfrider and Sierra Club are planning a community meeting on July 24th to talk about what the possible postponement of the hearing means. Mark Massara, long time Surfrider and Sierra Club activist, (and attorney) will be on hand to discuss the current situation and answer questions. The meeting will take place on July 24th at the San Clemente Community Center at 7:30 pm. click here for directions
Don't forget... about all the work Surfrider Chapters are doing to raise awareness about the Trestles campaign. Many Surfrider chapters have events planed in local communities to raise awareness and inform people about the change in the venue of the public hearing. Please double check your local Chapter website for more details.
The Los Angeles Times released a great editorial today highlighting the fact that intense public interest demands that the hearing be rescheduled. click here
Update: Here is the official letter from NOAA
Eddie Vedder Says....

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Big News!! Toll Road Hearing Possibly Postponed

Friday, July 11, 2008
Join us for Events to raise awarness about the Upcoming Hearing.
However, our Chapter network is still busy raising awareness about the Save Trestles campaign. They will be talking about the Save Trestles campaign at the following events to make sure local communities are aware of the campaign and inform people about the change in the venue of the public hearing. Please double check your local Chapter website for details.
July 17: The Newport Chapter is hosting a Save Trestles art show at Havassy.
July 19/20: The South Orange County Chapter will have a booth at Ocean Fest in San Clemente
July 20: Don't miss the South Orange County Chapter's Save Trestles benefit concert at the OC Tavern (see flyer below)
July 24th: The West LA/Malibu Chapter is throwing their "Surfrider Summer Night at Air Conditioned" party and with a special Save Trestle theme.
July 24-27: US Open Surf contest in Huntington Beach. Surfrider activists will be educating contest goers and also gathering signatures to present to the Secretary of Commerce.
The San Diego Chapter of Surfrider recently took to the sky.....check out these savvy activists: click here And....coming to a TV station near you...our PSA regarding the July 25th hearing: click here Remember this is just a sampling.... There are several Chapters in Southern California that are keeping the pressure on the TCA by being visible in their communities.

Newport Beach Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation--Trestles Benefit.
July 10, 2008
Havassy Art Show, "Feminine Waves" / Surfrider Foundation Save TrestlesBenefit:
Thursday July 17th, 6-11pm.
Sol Grill 110 McFadden Place,
Newport Beach Ca 92663.
This coming Thursday, July 17th, reknown artist Robb Havassy will bepresenting an art exhibition and benefit, featuring more than 30 newpaintings and sculptures. The event titled "Feminine Waves" will showcaseHavassy's unique fusion of color and motion and the interplay ofmulti-media depictions of the feminine form incorporated into fancifulsurf-scapes.
The event, hosted by Newport Beach's legendary Sol Grill, (located at thebase of Newport Pier, next to Sharkey's), begins with an artist receptionfrom 6-7 pm, featuring complimentary food, Las Olas wine and Havassy's newsangria, Solgria. The show is open to the public from 6-11pm, with specialmusical performances by DJ Dave Onex from Elektrik Haze, as well an acousticset by Will Crum and other special musical guests.
The "Feminine Waves" exhibition will feature art for sale as well as araffle with 100% of the proceeds of the raffle, going to benefit theSurfrider Foundation's, Newport Beach chapter. The raffle items includeSector9 skateboards and apparel, gear from Hurley, Oneill, Atwater,Robert August Surfboards, Havassy's art, sandals, new 2009 Surf Odysseycalendar, gift certificates from Spa Gregorie and Sol Grill, Las Olaswine, and much more.This benefit event will not only help to raise money for SurfriderFoundation, but also increase awareness for the crucial "Save Trestles"campaign to save the state park.
Surfrider Foundation will be on hand toprovide information about the critical upcoming public hearing on thematter at UCI, July 25th. This hearing needs a huge show of public supportto stand against the private interests, namely the Transportation CorridorAuthority, that seeks to pave a toll road through an irreplaceableCalifornia resource.On June 25, the Secretary of Commerce announced that a public hearingregarding the controversial 241 Toll Road extension is scheduled to takeplace July 25 at the Bren Center on the campus of UC Irvine.
This hearingmarks the next battle between the Transportation Corridor Authority (TCA)and opponents over the continuation of the road, which would lead to theclosure of the popular campgrounds at San Onofre State Park and spoiling ofthe San Mateo Creek."The "Save Trestles, Save the State Park" campaign means so much to thesurfing community and surf industry. Imagine if we were to lose thesenatural resources! Thanks to Surfrider Foundation for their leadership infighting the building of the 241 Toll Road extension through the park.
However, it is an expensive effort, and this event will help raise money tosupport the cause. Thank you." Bob Mignogna, former publisher of SurfingMagazine.
For more information on the Save Trestles Campaign, go to or Surfrider Foundation:The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicatedto the protection and enjoyment of our world's oceans, waves and beaches.Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California,the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 80 chaptersworldwide. For more information on the Surfrider Foundation, go More information about the "FEMININE WAVES" event go to and
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Your Official Invite To The Biggest Hearing On Earth.
Save San Onofre PSA
Write a Letter to Your Editor
Focusing on local papers is the best place to start. Please compose a quick letter, (no more than 125 words) to your local newspaper demanding the Federal Government uphold to the Coastal Commission’s ruling. Urge the Secretary of Commerce to stop this toll road once and for all. The route proposed does not relieves traffic, impacts the San Mateo watersheds, closes 60% of a beloved San Onofre State Beach, and is not environmentally sound.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Save Trestles and San Onofre beach hike
Don't forget to go the Commerce Dep't Hearing July 25th at UCI!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Public Hearing set for July 25th
This hearing marks the next critical battle in a decade long fight to protect Trestles!
We already won the battle, here in California, when the California Coastal Commission (CCC) struck down the toll road on grounds it violates the Coastal Act. But, the TCA refused to accept the CCC decision and has appealed it to the Federal Government.
Now, we need to ensure the Federal Government supports important California environmental laws and upholds the Coastal Commission decision.
How do we do that? By coming out in droves to the hearing on July 25th!!
Public participation and your voices were critical in convincing the Coastal Commission to deny the toll road. We need to apply the same pressure to the Federal Government--they must see first hand how many people are invested in protecting San Onofre State Beach and Trestles.
On the day of the event, Surfrider will be running buses from the LA and San Diego areas. If you want to leave from San Diego, please RSVP at: with the subject line: buses to hearing. Please indicate if you want a bus from North or South San Diego County. If you want to leave from LA area, please RSVP: click here Please make plans to attend the hearing at UC Irvine with your friends and family and stand up for Trestles, for state parks, and against the toll road.
Let's do it again--but even bigger this time!
Join Surfrider for a Trestles benefit concert Saturday July 5th
Che Cafe at UCSD 9500 Gilman Dr.
Student Center B-0323C, La Jolla, California 92093
7 PM
$5-- Additional Donations Accepted
Bands Included:
*The Feelings Mutual
*Silent Armada
*Blue's Ruby
*The Variety Show
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
News Flash--Public Hearing to be Held July 24th and/or 25th.
Mark Your Calendars!
The Department of Commerce announced today the hearing for the TCA's appeal of the Coastal Commission decision will be held July 24th and/or 25th. As always, it takes some time for government agencies to nail down the exact date, but at least we know it will be July 24th and/or 25th. The hearing will more than likely be at the Bren Event Center of the University of California, Irvine.
We'll get more details as they come in…. including the exact date, meeting format, agenda, etc... so stay tuned!
Also, we'll be renting buses again (more than likely leaving from LA and San Diego). So if you are interested in riding the bus, please send an email to: with the subject line: buses to hearing. We need you at this hearing! Please make sure our Federal Government upholds California laws and decisions. Remember, in February 2008 the California Coastal Commission voted to deny the toll road through San Onofre State Beach. Following a 14 hour hearing, attended by thousands, the Commission listened to reason and law by rejecting the toll road application.
The people in D.C. need to hear from people who care about San Onofre and Trestles! Your voice is needed! Don't let the TCA's lobbyists be the only influence on this important decision !(remember a few weeks ago when we told you the TCA is spending nearly $50,000 a month on lobbying...?).
We must counter their money with our voices!
For Trestles, Stefanie
Monday, June 16, 2008
More Shenanigans from the TCA
Are you interested in learning more about the proposed toll road and how it will impact San Onofre and Trestles? Join Stefanie Sekich, of the Surfrider Foundation, on a guided tour and hike of the area on Saturday June 28th. We'll be meeting at the Trestles Parking lot at 10:30. Please RSVP at:
Did you get your Reagan Shirt Yet?